Situs blog

oleh MUHAMMAD CESSA ZULKARNAIN - Minggu, 27 November 2022, 19:30
Siapa pun di dunia

In order to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that everyone can live in peace and prosperity by 2030, the United Nations established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2015. The 17 SDGs include :

1. No poverty.

2. Zero hunger.

3. Good health and well-being.

4. Quality education.

5. Gender equality.

6. Clean water and sanitation.

7. Affordable and clean energy.

8. Decent work and economic growth.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

10. Reduced inequality.

11. Sustainable cities and communities.

12. Responsible consumption and production.

13. Climate action.

14. Life below water.

15. Life on land.

16. Peace, justice, and strong Institutions.

17. Partnerships for the goals.

One of Indonesia's top educational institutions is Telkom University. I'll compare the implementation of SGD on campus to my three months at Telkom University in this article.

The majority of the new students on our campus are from all throughout Indonesia. Other nations than Indonesia have students as well. Despite the students' varied backgrounds, I think there is a lot of tolerance on campus. Many of the students, in spite of their different respect for one another Regional Student Activity Units (UKM) are also numerous and comprise student associations from all throughout Indonesia. According to such logic, there is hardly any disparity. 

In addition, I have observed that Telkom University employs both male and female teachers to instruct pupils. This indicates that the implementation of gender equality in this school. Additionally, Telkom University offers numerous scholarships and high-quality academic programs to its on-campus students.

On the Telkom University campus area is dotted with numerous lecture halls. Additionally, Telkom University offers a variety of facilities for students, including parks, libraries, and research facilities. Unfortunately, a number of these institutions lack quality.

maintained. One of these amenities is the street in front of Telkom University's entry gates. I believe that as a motorized vehicle user, the road is uneven and has potholes, which put road users, including pedestrians and motorized vehicle users, at risk.

I think Telkom University is doing an excellent job with their environmental initiatives. The friendly campus atmosphere encourages student study. I believe the water supplies on this campus are generally clean. Nevertheless, I see a number of problems. The first one for me is the there aren't many trash cans on campus. Hopefully the university will place more trash cans around campus, especially close to the parks cause in there is many scattered trash on there.

For the residents at Telkom University, transportation is a crucial part of daily life. Both bicycles and motorized vehicles have plenty of parking spaces on campus. Additionally, there is a shuttle bus available for use by students to get to other, sometimes distant lecture buildings. But since there aren't always enough buses, some students could choose to walk between buildings.

There are a lot of pedestrians, but there are also a lot of roads that I think are less comfortable for them to walk on. and i think for this case Telkom University can repair the bicycle on the parking area. So, Telkom Citizen can use it or maybe Telkom University can add something like scooter to rent so it'll more easier to pendestrian manuever from one building to other building.

Then from those all paragraphs above I'm implying that Telkom University is working hard to promote green energy, climate action, and sustainable towns and cities in the aforementioned paragraphs. I wish the university would pursue more environmental projects, and I wish the neighborhood would pitch in. trough independent action.


    Siapa pun di dunia

    SGDs (Sustainable Development Goals) in Telkom University

    By Lintar Alvisyahmulya Sukoco

    Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a development that improves the quality of the environment and the social life of the community, making them a good system to have in a community or society to raise standards there, particularly at universities. This article offers suggestions revolving around SDGs that could be applied at Telkom University. Telkom University is one of the best top private universities in Indonesia, according to UNIRANK, but does it already meet the standards for upholding the sustainability of social life and the quality of the environment, particularly in this time of highly developed technology? then, what can Telkom University do or implement to make the environment and the social life of the community more sustainable?

    After three months at Telkom University, there are undoubtedly some positive and negative aspects that may be improved. The idea or point regarding the SDGs that will be considered and can be implemented in Telkom University revolves around the subject of diversity, environmental movements, renewable energy, restriction of the use of automobiles in Telkom University.

    Indonesia is arguably the most geographically and culturally diverse country in the world and some describe that Indonesia as the most diverse country in the world. With over 17,000 islands spread across the Pacific and Indian Ocean, and home to more than 200 ethnic groups with over 300 spoken languages. Telkom University welcomes students from all throughout Indonesia, making it a highly comfortable space for diversity. There are also some international students that comes from across the world who attends in Telkom University. So it is clear to be said that the SDGs around the diversity in Telkom University is very safe and should always be this way.

    Telkom University has a wonderful environment and is already concerned about the environment because there are many trees throughout the campus, particularly near the third and fourth gates, where it is wonderful to have a green campus, especially because there are some factories close to Telkom University. Telkom University has some environmental movements too, the convenience store inside Telkom University, for example, they didn't give the customer a plastic bag, which is great because many convenience stores in Bandung still do. Plastic bags are very bad for the environment, so I think it's a good idea to make people start bringing a cloth bag with them when they go shopping. The only thing that worries me is the lack of trash cans near the campus, therefore my recommendation is to add more trash cans there. Thankfully enough, even though there is fewer trash cans there, the campus still looks clean, and there isn't much garbage there. The availability of additional mineral water dispensers would also be beneficial, encouraging students to carry their own water bottles so they can refill rather than purchasing a new mineral water bottle. And if we are talking about the learning environment in Telkom University, it is very enjoyable since students got facilitated by a free internet connection and a library.

    Another positive aspect that I believe very useful is that the campus has many canteens and clean water, making it very convenient for students to eat there, particularly in cases where students have the option to pay through QRIS, which, in my opinion, is more convenient because you can just pay the exact amount, and the majority of students have their money transferred through bank.

    The next topic is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding renewable energy, and Telkom University has already implemented some power plants that do so, such as the solar power plant that is situated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering building and the generator building of the Faculty of Engineering. Telkom University has made advancements in the use of waste generated on campus, including both organic waste (tree leaves) and inorganic waste, by constructing a garbage power production incinerator. Telkom University is also establishing a wind energy generation. Telkom University's utilization of renewable energy to produce electricity is wonderful, and I hope they expand the number of these power plants they install.

    The last topic is about the vehicle at Telkom University. On campus, there is a vehicle called TUC that students can use to get around. I think it's great that something like this can help students get to go somewhere faster, but I feel like Indonesians in general have become really lazy and just use their motorbikes to get around, even when the distance between locations is not that far, and this causes pollution. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be beneficial if Telkom University started requiring its students to walk or use bicycles to get around the campus where cars and motorcycles are parked in front of the campus. By doing this, it gives a lot of benefits, such as forcing students to arrive at classes earlier because getting there by foot takes more time, and if there are no cars and motorcycles inside the campus, the parking space can be used to more useful thing like creating a new building or something else. Consequently, I strongly suggest for Telkom University to implements this on campus so that it encourages students to exercise and reduces pollution.

    In conclusion, Telkom University is a great campus and already fulfill the requirement to maintain the quality of the environment and the social life of the community, because students from all over the world can comfortably attend college there. Telkom University also cares deeply about the environment and has already implemented some power plants that use renewable energy to maintain the environment's sustainability and the community's social life. Telkom University might, however, adopt more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by increasing the number of renewable energy-powered power plants, reducing the use of plastic bags, and requiring students to walk around the campus.

    [ Mengubah: Minggu, 27 November 2022, 23:18 ]


      Gambar dari DAFFA ZAHY KHAIRY
      oleh DAFFA ZAHY KHAIRY - Minggu, 27 November 2022, 17:11
      Siapa pun di dunia

      Daffa Zahy Khairy



      "Menghadapi Critical Life Skill"

      1. Problem Solving and Decision Making

       A. Analogy : mengadaptasi solusi untuk masalah sebelumnya yang memiliki fitur atau mekanisme yang sama.

      B. Brainstorming : (terutama pada suatu kelompok) menyarankan sejumlah solusi atau ide dan menggabungkan dan mengembangkannya sampai solusi optimal ditemukan.

       C. Divide and conquer : memecahkan masalah yang besar dan kompleks menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat diselesaikan.

      D. Hypothesis testing : mengasumsikan penjelasan yang mungkin untuk masalah dan mencoba untuk membuktikan (atau dalam beberapa konteks menyangkal) asumsi.

      E. Literal thinking : mendekati solusi secara tidak langsung dan secara kreatif.

      F. apa dan kapan:

      Tidak ada best practice, belum ada solusinya atau terlalu kompleks

      Tidak melulu linear thinking, kita bisa memanfaatkan problem

      G. Bagaimana :

      Jika kita tidak bisa menghilangkannya, kita gunakan saja.

      Hal kreatif apa yang bisa kita lakukan terhadap problem itu.

      2. Creative thinking and critical thinking

      Creative thinking => The ability to analyze available fact, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgement.

      Critical thinking => The ability to look at things differently, and find new ways of solving problems, thinking out of the box.

      3. Communication and Interpersonal skills

      · Communication skills

      The ability to pass,receivem,and process information.They are the traits that allow you to make requests.ask question,understand instruction,give direction and relay information with clarity and conciseness.

      · Interpesonal skills

      The ability to handle conflict,teamwork,empathy,listening,and a positve attitude,Being flexible and positive,able to listening and communicating well include verbak and nonverbal communication.

      4. Self-awareness and Empathy

      · Self-awareness : kemampuan untuk fokus kepada diri sendiri dan bagaimana aksi, pikiran, atau emosi dirimu selaras atau tidak dengan standar internal yang dirimu miliki.

      · Empathy : kemampuan untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan orang lain, dan hal ini sangat penting untuk kecerdasan emosional.


        Siapa pun di dunia

        SGD or as we known as Sustainable Development Goals is a global plan and been agreed by world leader, including Indonesia, to end poverty, reduce inequality and protect the environment. And the action is like Proctecting the environment end ecosystem, also get a better at education and etc. Now im a student who studying at Telkom University and majoring Electrical Engineering. In Telkom University we are doing this SGD, we have been teach to protect environment like throw garbage in its place, and also in Telkom University we are getting a better at Education because the lecture is so kind and good at teaching.

                      also in SGD we have an action to reduce the gap especially in society. As we known we are live in Indonesia who knowns with the Diversity, we have a lot of culture and race and also religion, and Indonesia people as I know is being know as a non racist people, because we have been teach since young to respect each other culture. But you have to know there is people who still racist in Indonesia. They judge our skin colour or culture or even our religious. But in Telkom University you will not find something like racist, because like before we are respect each other culture. And you have to know that it not just Indonesian people who studying in Indonesia, there is people outside of Indonesia who studying at here Telkom. So we have to introduce them about our diversity.

                      About our BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA with not being racist with our culture, religion even our race. we have to tell them that we are proud being Indonesia with this diversity. like I said before im a new student so I’m in Telkom just have been 3 month I guess and something that bothering me a lot in Telkom is Environmental Movements, Even tho we have been teach to throw trash in garbage since kids, there is still people who act like they don’t even care. I’m not saying Telkom is dirty, but still there is lack of environment movements especially in student. I still see in my desk a trash, but I think its oke I can put that trash in garabe, but sometimes the small is so stinky that I cant hold to small it. And also the street in front of Telkom is so small and the roads is broken, like a big hole in the street that sometimes effect people, even we are walk don’t using a vehicle. But I hope Telkom University can fix this problem so we can be more enjoyed wall outside of Telkom.

                      Renewable energy we already know that is energy that we got from natural sources. Like as we known is Windmill, Solar panel, Water Wheel, and etc.And in telkom I have seen something like this, it was a lamp but with solar panel on it, so solar panel is a device that collect sunlight and converts it into electric current. But I don’t know everytime I see this thing its not working or is not being on, the lamp is not even have a light on it, I don’t know its broke or not but its make us hard to see in the night because its dark so its useless if you don’t repair it, because the function is to give us a light so we can see in the dark but this make it not even usefull.

                      And something I wanna talk now is regulation of the use of vehicles in TelU. In telkom there is a lot of student who using a Bike rather than a car, but there is one problem, there is lack of parking lot, even tho there is a parking lot there is not big enough so we have to search new parking lot so we can put our bike or car in there. even tho we have like a bus to make us easy to go to the building that we have class on it, the bus is so few and only accommodate a few finger pupils sometimes we fight over.

                      Event Tho telU is number one privet university in Indonesia Right know, telkom need a lot of improvement in my opinion like you can at more parking lot, and make a rule about trash so student cant throw trash every wher they want, and also telkom can add more transportation that make student easy go to the building where they have class is so we don’t have to walk, like add more bus or even make bicycle like before the covid came so we can use that and it will make us easy to go or even we want to refreshing by going around telkom.


          Siapa pun di dunia

          The United Nations established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SGD) in 2015 as a worldwide call to action to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and guarantee that by 2030, all people may live peaceful and prosperous lives. The 17 SDGs are:

          1. No poverty
          2. Zero hunger
          3. Good health and well-being
          4. Quality education
          5. Gender equality
          6. Clean water and sanitation
          7. Affordable and clean energy
          8. Decent work and economic growth
          9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
          10. Reduced inequality
          11. Sustainable cities and communities
          12. Responsible consumption and production
          13. Climate action
          14. Life below water
          15. Life on land
          16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions
          17. Partnerships for the goals

          Telkom University is recognized as one of Indonesia's best educational institutions. In this article, I will compare my 3 months at Telkom University to the implementation of SGD on campus. 

          Students on this campus, particularly new students, come from all throughout Indonesia. There are also students from countries other than Indonesia. Despite their diverse origins, I believe there is a strong amount of tolerance on campus. Despite their differences, many of the pupils appreciate one another. There are also multiple regional Student Activity Units (UKM), which include student organizations from all around Indonesia. That argument implies that there is very little inequality. Beside that, I've seen that both male and female lecturers teach students at Telkom University. This suggests that gender equality is being implemented rather well in this school. Telkom University also provides quality education and multiple scholarships for the students that are going to be studying on campus.

          Many lecture buildings are dispersed around the Telkom University campus area. Telkom University also boasts a number of amenities available to students, including park spaces, libraries, and research laboratories. Unfortunately, several of these facilities are poorly maintained. One of these facilities is the road in front of Telkom University entrance gates. As a motorized vehicle user, I believe the road is uneven and includes potholes, which pose a risk to road users, both pedestrians and motorized vehicle users. 

          Telkom University's environmental effort, in my perspective, is rather good. The welcoming campus environment promotes student learning. The water sources on this campus are, in my opinion, fairly clean. However, there are several issues that I perceive. One of them is the limited number of garbage cans on campus. Hopefully, the campus will increase the number of trash cans located throughout the campus, particularly near the parks.

          Transportation is an important aspect of the Telkom University community's lives. There are several parking spots on campus for both motorized cars and bicycles. There is also a shuttle bus that students may use to travel to other lecture buildings that are pretty far away. However, because there aren't always enough buses, students may prefer to walk between buildings. Despite the fact that there are many pedestrians, there are numerous roadways that I believe are less pleasant for pedestrians to walk on.

          The following three paragraphs suggest that Telkom University is making strong efforts to promote renewable energy, climate action, and sustainable towns and cities. I wish the university would take more environmental initiatives, and I wish the community would contribute by making its own efforts.


            Gambar dari GISA KAYLA SYAHLA
            oleh GISA KAYLA SYAHLA - Minggu, 27 November 2022, 11:29
            Siapa pun di dunia

            Nama: Gisa Kayla Syahla

            NIM: 1301223237

            Kelas: IF-46-04

            Narasumber: Tamami Efendi

            Pendidikan saat ini dituntut untuk menciptakan generasi yang memiliki keterampilan belajar dan berinovasi. Berurusan dengan teknologi informasi dan media juga harus dikuasai. Selain itu, bekerja dan bertahan hidup dengan bantuan kecakapan hidup (Life Skills) merupakan syarat mutlak untuk masa depan. 

            Apa itu life skills?

            Seperti yang didefinisikan oleh World Health Organization (WHO), keterampilan hidup adalah kemampuan untuk berperilaku dengan cara yang adaptif dan positif yang memungkinkan seseorang untuk secara efektif menangani kebutuhan dan tantangan sehari-hari. 

            Berikut ini beberapa kelompok keterampilan yang termasuk life skills:

            A. Problem Solving and Decision Making

            • Analogy
            Sesuaikan solusi untuk masalah sebelumnya dengan karakteristik atau mekanisme yang serupa.

            • Brainstorming
            Usulkan beberapa ide atau solusi dan gabungkan dan kembangkan hingga solusi optimal ditemukan.

            • Divide and Conquer 

            Masalah besar dan kompleks dipecah menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat dipecahkan.

            • Hypohesis Testing 

            Dugaan kemungkinan penjelasan untuk masalah dan coba buktikan dugaan ini.

            • Lateral Thinking

            Pendekatan solusi secara tidak langsung dan kreatif.

            • Proof of Impossibility

            Coba buktikan bahwa masalahnya tidak dapat diselesaikan. Titik di mana pembuktian gagal adalah titik awal penyelesaiannya.

            • Root Cause Analysis

            Identifikasi penyebab masalah.

            • Lateral Thinking

            When  & What :

            1. Tidak hanya berpikir linier, tapi kita bisa mengeksploitasi masalah.
            2. Tidak ada praktik terbaik, solusinya tidak dapat dipecahkan atau terlalu rumit.

            How :

            1. Jika kami tidak dapat membuangnya, kami menggunakannya.
            2. Hal kreatif apa yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut?

            B. Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

            • Creative Thinking
            Kemampuan untuk melihat sesuatu dari perspektif yang berbeda, memecahkan masalah dengan cara baru dan berpikir out of the box.

            • Critical Thinking
            Kemampuan menganalisis fakta, bukti, pengamatan dan argumen yang ada untuk mengambil keputusan.

            CCommunication and Interpersonal Skills

            • Communication Skills
            Kemampuan untuk memberi, menerima dan memproses informasi. Ini adalah kualitas yang mendorong kita untuk membuat permintaan, mengajukan pertanyaan, memahami instruksi, memberikan instruksi dan informasi secara singkat dan jelas.

            • Interpersonal Skills
            Kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan konflik, berkolaborasi, menunjukkan empati, mendengarkan dan bersikap positif. Jadilah fleksibel dan positif, pandai mendengarkan dan berkomunikasi secara verbal dan non-verbal.

            D.    Self-awareness and Empathy

            • Self-awareness
            Kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri kita sendiri dan bagaimana tindakan, pikiran, atau perasaan kita mungkin atau mungkin tidak memenuhi standar kita sendiri. Ketika kita memiliki harga diri yang tinggi, kita dapat melihat diri kita sendiri secara objektif, mengatur emosi kita dengan stabil dan menyelaraskan tindakan kita dengan harga diri kita, dan benar-benar memahami bagaimana orang lain melihat kita.

            • Empathy
            Kemampuan memahami perasaan dan empati orang lain sangat penting untuk kecerdasan emosional kita.

            E. Jobs Lancdscape in 2022

            Ada sekitar 133 juta lowongan pekerjaan, sebagian besar adalah:

            1. Top 10 Emerging:

            • Data Analayst and Scientist
            • AI and Machine Learning Specialist
            • General and Operation Managers
            • Software and Application Developers and Analyst
            • Sales and Marketing Profesionalis
            • Big Data Scientist
            • Digital Transformation Specialist
            • New Technology Specialist
            • Organisational Development Specialist
            • Information Technology Services

            2. Top 10 Skills 2020:
            • Complex Problem Solving
            • Critical Thinking
            • Creativity
            • People Management
            • Coordinating with Others
            • Emotional Intelligence
            • Judgement and Decision Making
            • Service Orientation
            • Negotiation
            • Cognitive Flexibility

            [ Mengubah: Minggu, 27 November 2022, 11:36 ]


              Siapa pun di dunia

              Hello everyone! I have already been 3 months in tel u now.  I have already thought about some sustainable development goals (SGD) in tel u.  Start from the quality of education, health, diversity, zero hunger, and clean water,  and last about partnership for goals that are already provided by tel u.  In this blog, I will talk about it.

              first, the quality of education has good accreditation, which is A.  Tel u itself is one of the best universities in Indonesia. In 2021, Tel u become the number 1 private university according to webometrics. Tel u also have provided us with good facilities that can improve our skill. For example, we have physical labor.  For the tuition fee, I think tel u I provide affordable and reasonable prices for tuition fees

              Second, we don't need to worry about our health. In tel u, we have tel u medica, which helps us if we need to check our health. So if we are sick, we can go to tel u medica. The environment itself supports us to have good health, tel u  has shady green plants and fresh air. The distance between the outside environment and tel u is also far. So I think I can say that we have good air here. 

              Third, about diversity. In Tel u we trust that no one does racism against others.  we don't care what your race, religion, culture, or gender. We respect each other here. I have quite many friends from Tel u, and as long as I can see, no one is racist. All of them respect each other. 

              Fourth, Zero hunger and clean water. Here we have canteens that provide us with good food. It provides us with not only good food but also good prices. Not too expensive, so it's affordable for students. Outside tel u, we have a lot of street vendors which is more affordable than inside tel u. Here we don't need to worry about food.  The same goes for water. Here I can say the water is fresh and nice to use. You can use it to wash your hand, wudhu, etc. 

              Fifth, if we want to talk about the future, we should know that tel u has partnerships with some companies and colleagues. We can accept it's for one of the benefits of joining tel u.  It has so many benefits, especially for international class students ( cause I'm one of the international class students).  If we want to take a double degree or maybe you want to take a study exchange, we can go to another country that tel u have a partnership with. Because of the benefits that we got, we can study there. For example Korea and japan. 

              Last but not least, I can say that tel u is one of the best universities that I know. Some sustainable development goals (SGD) here are quite good. Even though maybe there are some still bad facilities or something. For example, some of the roads have many potholes. I think tel u can fix it for a better environment, not just outside but inside tel u. I've seen too about abandoned bikes inside tel u. I think it's better if tel u can repair it and use it for public transportation inside tel u. Sometimes we have classes that run in a different building, so I think if we can use the bike we will save a lot of time. 

              I think that's all I can say now. I hope this blog helps a lot for u who read it.


                Siapa pun di dunia

                Muhammad Rifqi Rabbani

                "Menghadapi Critical Life Skill"

                A. Problem Solving and Decision Making

                • Analogy
                Mengadaptasi solusi untuk permasalahan sebelumnya yang mempunyai fitur atau mekanisme serupa

                • Brainstorming
                Menyarankan sejumlah besar ide atau solusi lalu menggabungkan dan mengembangkannya sampai ditemukan solusi yang optimal

                • Divide and Conquer 

                Membagi masalah besar dan kompleks menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat dipecahkan

                • Hypohesis Testing 

                Asumsi penjelasan yang mungkin untuk masalah dan mencoba untuk membuktikan asumsi tersebut

                • Lateral Thinking

                Mendekati suatu solusi secara tidak langsung dan kreatif

                • Proof of Impossibility

                Mencoba untuk membuktikan bahwa suatu masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan. Titik di mana pembuktian gagal akan menjadi titik awal untuk menyelesaikannya

                • Root Cause Analysis

                Mengidentifikasi penyebab dari suatu masalah

                Lateral Thinking

                When  & What :

                1.     Tidak melulu linear thinking, kita bisa memanfaatkan problem

                2.     Tidak ada best practice, belum bisa solusinya atau terlalu complex

                How :

                1.     Jika kita tidak bisa menghilangkannya, kita gunakan saja

                2.     Hal kreatif apa yang bisa kita lakukan terhadap problem itu

                B. Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

                • Creative Thinking
                Kemampuan untuk melihat suatu hal dari perspektif yang berbeda, dan menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan dengan cara baru, serta berpikir out of the box.

                • Critical Thinking
                Kemampuan untuk menganalisis fakta, bukti, observasi, serta argumen yang ada yang bertujuan untuk membentuk suatu keputusan.

                CCommunication and Interpersonal Skills

                • Communication Skills
                Kemampuan untuk memberi, menerima, serta memproses informasi. Hal tersebut adalah sifat yang dapat membuat kita untuk meminta permintaan, menanyakan pertanyaan, memahami instruksi, memberi arah dan informasi secara singkat dan jelas.

                • Interpersonal Skills
                Kemampuan untuk mengatasi konflik, kerjasama, berempati, mendengar serta bersikap positif. Menjadi fleksibel dan positif, dapat mendengar dan komunikasi dengan baik secara komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal.

                D.    Self-awareness and Empathy

                • Self-awareness
                Kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri sendiri serta bagaimana aksi, pikiran, atau emosi kita apakah selaras atau tidak dengan standar diri. Dengan mempunyai kesadaran akan diri yang tinggi, kita dapat menginstropeksi diri secara objektif, mengatur emosi kita secara stabil, dan melaraskan aksi kita dengan nilai diri dan memahami dengan benar bagaimana orang lain melihat kita.

                • Empathy
                Kemampuan untuk memahami apa yang orang lain rasakan, serta empati sangatlah penting untuk kecerdasan emosional kita.

                E. Jobs Lancdscape in 2022

                Terdapat 133 juta lowongan pekerjaan yang kebanyakan diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

                a.Top 10 Emerging

                • Data Analayst and Scientist
                • AI and Machine Learning Specialist
                • General and Operation Managers
                • Software and Application Developers and Analyst
                • Sales and Marketing Profesionalis
                • Big Data Scientist
                • Digital Transformation Specialist
                • New Technology Specialist
                • Organisational Development Specialist
                • Information Technology Services


                b.Top 10 Skills 2020

                • Complex Problem Solving
                • Critical Thinking
                • Creativity
                • People Management
                • Coordinating with Others
                • Emotional Intelligence
                • Judgement and Decision Making
                • Service Orientation
                • Negotiation
                • Cognitive Flexibility

                [ Mengubah: Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 23:29 ]


                  Gambar dari FADHILAH KARTIKA FIRDAUSI
                  oleh FADHILAH KARTIKA FIRDAUSI - Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 22:02
                  Siapa pun di dunia

                  > "Siapa yang mengenal dirinya akan mengenal tuhannya"

                  Dia yang mengenal dirinya akan meraih kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat.

                  9-10 ceo sukses berasal dari insinyur, teknik komputer, dan introvert.

                  > Analogi cermin  

                  "Semakin kotor cermin semakin sulit melihat diri. Semakin kotor hati semakin sulit membuat keputusan bijak."

                  Selain mengetahui diri kita juga harus membersihkan hati. Di masa kuliah kita harus melihat lebih dalam mengenai diri kita, hilangkan semua kesombongan dan terima kuliah sebagai ilmu yang baru, dan hilangkan perasaan tidak suka terhadap suatu mata kuliah tertentu, dan jangan merasa paling jago.

                  Di satu sisi pasti ekspetasi tinggi kalo ekspetasi dan realita beda tidak apa-apa, manusia tempat salah dan lupa tetapi sebaik baik manusia ialah yang mau memperbaiki diri.

                  Kita juga harus mengetahui personality kita, dan kecenderungan kita.

                  > Modal/key resources yang dimiliki anak muda

                  - cognitive flexibility: confidence, awareness, adaptability.

                  > Jenis kecerdasan

                  - Fluid intelligence: kecerdasan berbasis soft skill

                  - Crytallized intelligence: kecerdasan berbasis experience

                  > Creativity

                  Ini yang membedakan antara manusia dan komputer.

                  Creativity sesuatu yang harus memiliki kombinasi antara buku, teori praktek, sosialisasi, dan kerjasama.

                  > Learning agility

                  - change agility

                  - mental agility

                  - self awareness

                  - people agility

                  - results agility

                  > Semakin anda muda semakin cepat sistem tubuh anda untuk sembuh dan adaptasi terhadap suatu beban

                  > Kita sebagai makhluk hidup sudah fitrahnya berorganisasi/bermasyarakat, disitu pasti membutuhkan komunikasi, leadership dan pasti terjadi interaksi. Salah 1 cara mengoptimasi tujuan/mimpi adalah mengetahui fitrah kita sebagai makhluk hidup yang pasti bersosialisasi dengan salah satu caranya berorganisasi.

                  > Hal yang bisa dipelajari dari mengikuti himpunan

                  - manajemen waktu

                  - manajemen prioritas

                  - komunikasi efektif

                  - alokasi sumber daya

                  - manajemen emosi

                  - perencanaan dan improvement diri

                  sebelum berorganisasi/mengikuti suatu kegiatan harus mengerti personality diri sendiri

                  jangan langsung mengikuti banyak kegiatan, mengetahui kapasitas diri, fokus ke yang kita fit

                  jangan terlalu banyak mengambil organisasi

                  > Tips saat stress

                  - ibadah

                  - jangan begadang

                  - olahragaa

                  - jangan terlalu sering minum kopi 

                  - istirahat cukup

                  - makan makanan yang sehat 

                  > Cara memulai komunikasi yang baik

                  menambah jam terbang dalam berkomunikasi seperti mengikuti beberapa kepanitiaan, mengikuti beberapa ukm. Usahakan komunikasi dari 2 arah.

                  Fadhilah Kartika Firdausi




                    Siapa pun di dunia

                    Nama: Althof Ihsan Fadhlullah

                    NIM: 1303223181

                    KELAS: IT-46-01

                    Mengasah Critical Life Skill    Narasumber : Tamami Efendi

                    Critical Life skill dibagi menjadi 4:

                    1). Problem Solving and Decision Making

                    • Analogy: Memecahkan masalah dengan cara menggunakan solusi yang berupa perupamaan dari masalah lama yang memiliki mekanisme yang sama, untuk memecahkan masalah baru.
                    • Brainstorming: Mencari solusi dari berbagai ide sumber yang masuk, seperti internet, pemikiran orang lain, pemikiran yang tiba-tiba masuk, dan lain-lain.
                    • Divide and Conquer: memecah masalah besar, rumit menjadi kecil yang mudah diselesaikan
                    • Hypotesis Testing: berasumsi untuk cara terbaik terhadap masalah 
                    • Lateral Thinking: menemukan solusi dengan cepat.
                    • Proof of iImpossibility: mecoba membuktikan bahwa masalah tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan. Dimana pembuktian masalah tersebut gagal atau tidak ada solusinya., maka itu dapat menjadi awak untuk menyelesaikan maslaah tersebut
                    • Root Cause Analysis: mengidentifikasi akar penyebab dari masalah tersebut.

                    2). Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking

                    • Critical Thinking: kemampuan untuk menganalisa fakta,bukti,observasi,dan argumen untuk membuat keputusan
                    • Creative Thinking: kemampuan untuk melihat hal dari pandangan yang berbeda dan menemukan jalan/cara lain dalam memecahkan masalah
                    3). Communication and Interpersonal Skills

                    • Communication Skill: kemampuan untuk memberi, menerima, dan memproses informasi. Itu adalah sifat yang bisa membuat kita untuk meminta permintaan, menanyakan pertanyaan, memahami instruksi, memberi arah dan informasi dengan jelas dan ringkas.
                    • Interpersonal Skill: kemampuan untuk menangani konflik, kerjasama, empati, mendengar dan bersikap positif. Menjadi fleksibel dan positif, bisa mendengar dan komunikasi dengan baik termasuk komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal.

                    4). Self-Awareness and Empathy

                    • Self-Awareness: kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri sendiri dan bagaimana aksi, pikiran, atau emosi kita selaras atau tidak dengan standar diri. Jika kita memiliki kesadaran diri tinggi, kita bisa mengevaluasi diri secara objektif, mengatur emosi kita, dan melaraskan aksi kita dengan nilai diri dan memahami dengan benar bagaimana orang lain melihat kita.
                    • Empathykemampuan untuk memahami apa yang orang lain rasakan, empati sangatlah penting pada pemikiran hati / emosional kita.

                    [ Mengubah: Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 21:56 ]
