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Siapa pun di dunia

Sustainable Development Goals or some may say it as SGD is a movement by the government (yes very surprising isn’t it?) that aims to make a world that shares a blueprint for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet now and into the future this movement was made by the United Nation General Assembly or UNGS in the year 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals or SGD comprises of 17 interlinked global goals those includes:

·         No Poverty

·         Zero Hunger

·         Good Health and Well-being (hospital bills mate)

·         Quality Education

·         Gender Equality (take notes Twitter folks)

·         Clean Water and Sanitation

·         Affordable and Clean Energy

·         Decent Work and Economic Growth

·         Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

·         Reduced Inequality (once again take notes Twitter)

·         Sustainable Cities and Communities

·         Responsible Consumption and Production

·         Climate Action

·         Life Below Water (Talokan moment)

·         Life on Land

·         Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

·         Partnerships to achieve the Goals

Telkom University there is not much to say about this school except at how cool it is, it have achieved so much from how it was made before, a little bit of back story Telkom university used to only house employees to Telkom (how surprising) but as the time goes by the school starts to open its doors to people outside of their workspace and now in 2022 it have achieved international status and became one of the top private school in Indonesia.

Now lets put Telkom with the rules and guidelines of the SGD do they follow what the SGD have stated in their interlinked global goals, and I would say after more than a month of studying in Telkom they have ALMOST managed to do it, of course its not the school’s fault majority of the time but I can list of some of the things that the school didn’t achieved on the 17 interlinked global goals:

1.      The environment

All i'm going to say in this one is that i'm quite impressed at how clean the place it the classrooms are clean the bathroom are…….ok? yea its not clean but its not dirty but I advice you to use the your own bathroom cause it still not in the best conditions cause a lot of the sinks are god are they broken man fix it.

            Now the classrooms wow and wow is the only thing I can say about it, its very cleaned I give props to the people that clean the classroom they did a pretty good job I have a few things I like to comment on and one of them is that sometimes the AC remote is gone??? Like its not there and second is that the drawers seems to never been cleaned on the first day of school I see a lot of trash from god knows when and up until now its still there amazing is the word I can say.

            The outside part of Telkom cant really comment cause its very clean for something that is hard to control considering how big this place is.


2.      Learning Environment

Now lets go to the other wow part of my statement from before, the learning environment is good I cant say anything negative about it but sometimes I do have a hard time to follow what the teacher say, sure I know im asking to much but the way the teachers teach are quite boring and sometimes makes me sleep and the TV they used are placed in such an awkward position that it makes my neck hurt.

The level of each students in my opinion are the same but as time goes by we all can see how much it differs some goes beyond and above and became one of the best student in class while some are left behind with sub par grades and its mean to say but below average, we as a class usually try to help them like mention by another classmate of mine we do a online meet up on a Friday night to help those who doesn’t understand on a certain subject usually programming (those ; and those ( are starting to get annoying).

3.      Diversity

THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I SEE FOREIGNERS WALKING ALONG SIDE US ITS SO COOL!, there is a lot of diversity in terms of province and culture and of course country its still makes me go in awe when I first saw a foreigner in the same class as me it was quite the experience.

 Overall my experience in Tell-U is quite fun there is not much of a negative except something that personally annoy me but nothing to serious. Last thing to note is that the teachers here are very in a sense POG or cool their nice and supportive of every student’s opinion and complaints and their very fun to interact with outside of studying.




    Siapa pun di dunia

    Sustainable Development Goals or simply SGD, are a compilation of goals that is designed to be the shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. These goals and achievements serve as a foundation for resolving a wide range of social issues that we face today, whether they are local or global in scope. The SGDs contain a total of 17 global goals along with various measurable achievements which were arranged by the United Nations General Assembly back in 2015. These goals includes:

    1. No Poverty

    2. Zero Hunger

    3. Good Health and Well-being

    4. Quality Education

    5. Gender Equality

    6. Clean Water and Sanitation

    7. Affordable and Clean Energy

    8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

    9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    10. Reduced Inequality

    11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

    12. Responsible Consumption and Production

    13. Climate Action

    14. Life Below Water

    15. Life on Land

    16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

    17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal

    Telkom University is a private university that resides in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Numerous times, Telkom University has both been recognized as the top private university and as one of the top universities in Indonesia. Although, it is not without its shares of problems. Ranging from the garbage-filled desks inside the classroom to some students who are falling behind in their subjects, Telkom University has loads of problems, be it from an academic or environmental standpoint. To address some of the issues highlighted above, we can suggest a collection of SDGs. The objectives listed below, in my opinion, are appropriate for enhancing the harmony, excellence, and integrity of both students and the environment at Telkom University:

    1. Clean and Proper Learning Environment

    The efficiency and quality of learning that takes place in a classroom can be greatly enhanced by maintaining a clean and proper environment. A clean learning environment offers obvious advantages for both the student and the institution. Some of these advantages include fewer sick students in the classroom, better overall classroom performance, durable learning materials, less student absences, and improved mental health for the students.

    Telkom University is by no means a dirty campus, there are, however, some sectors that needs to be improved upon when it comes to the cleanliness of some facilities that they provide, which in turn also affects the usability of said facilities. Things like the trash that is piling inside the classroom desks and the lack of garbage disposal on both inside and outside of the classroom, just to name a few.

    Furthermore, there are some facilities that are barely usable at the moment of writing this blog, one such example is the card-tapping attendance system, that does not work at all, even after two months studying here and shows no sign of getting fixed. The classroom lamps, which occasionally flicker during class and interfere with studying, are another infrastructure that need proper repair.

    Having said that, I believe that all Telkom University members should have the right and obligation to maintain and improve the cleanliness as well as the propriety of the facilities that are provided by the campus, which enhances the harmony of teaching and learning activities while also making them run more smoothly and comfortably. One strategy that support this idea is to impose a fine on anyone caught littering on campus or to anyone who broke the facility that is provided by the campus. The money collected through the fine might then be used to repair some of the broken facility or purchase a new one.

    1. Equal Footing in Academics

    College subjects are more of than not, anything but easy. What we were taught in senior high school differs significantly from what we were taught in the first few months or even years of university education. Some students are already adapting to these changes and are able to manage their studying method as well as time management in order to counter it. However, there are some students who are falling behind due to various reasons, be it their own indiscipline or other personal cause.

    In this case, I believe by equalizing the acceptance of material, knowledge, and understanding for everyone, will benefit all students, inside one class at the very least. One way we can achieve this is by assisting those who are struggling to comprehend certain subject materials. To do this, we can use a variety of media. For instance, in my class, there are some students who are struggling to understand the subject of programming. To help them, some students would sometimes gather online on a Friday night to assist, discuss, and explain the areas that the others were struggling with as best they could.

    Creating a structured study group would be an excellent supplement to the method that is previously recommended, not just for programming but also for other topics that some students found problematic. But setting up a regular study group is challenging. In addition to those who are willing to teach the others, we also need the initiative from students who feel that they are lagging behind in particular subjects. Some students are well aware that they are lagging behind, but they continue to ignore it.

    With all that said, I think it is important for us to take it upon ourselves to help the others to have an equal footing when it comes to academics, which in turn, also increases the excellence of Telkom University students. This will help us and the other students who are struggling in certain topics, saving them from having to take remedial classes. The lecturers will also benefit in some ways from this, because, the study group may go over some of the materials that the lecturer has taught over the past week and clear up some of the issues and misunderstandings that other students may have during classes, as some subjects are far too complex for some people to absorb all at once. But once more, if we want to make this work, the other students also need to take the initiative.

    1. Egoistic Altruism

    At first glance, this word may seem weird and difficult to understand, but by breaking it down one by one, we can get a general understanding of what it actually means. First, let's define the term "Egoistic," which literally means to be absorbed with oneself and the satisfaction of one's own desires. The second word, "Altruism," is the polar opposite of the first and is described as an unselfish care for the welfare of others. On the other hand, egoistic altruism combines those two traits, resulting in selfish activities that will ultimately benefit everyone.

    It seems like a really noble character at first, but putting it into practice in real life is easier said than done. Due to the quest of survival—be it biological survival, achieving one's goals in life, or having the chance to express oneself authentically—humans as a species have acquired somewhat egoistic tendencies or natures. People usually want others to assist them back if they were helped in the first place because this is a moral commitment that practically everyone has, therefore putting that tendency aside for the benefit of others is in no way simple.

    Nevertheless, if we are able to put our egos aside and just help those in need, without any conditions or expectations of reward, we can improve the quality of life in the community. A location where everyone can advance collectively and develop into a useful individual who significantly improved the community. It does not have to be anything grand, we can start with the minor stuff. Because, even a little assistance can make a big difference. Simply start with a situation that is under your control, in this case, the environment and community in your class.

    In order to implement this character, we don't need to look any further than the SDG stated previously. For instance, to maintain a clean and appropriate environment, anytime we observe rubbish stuck inside a school desk or perhaps even just near the trash can, we should, if we are able to, place that trash into the trash can. Or perhaps you could offer to assist your friends if they are having trouble understanding any of the homework the lecturer provided them. As I have said before, it does not have to be something big, because even the tiniest actions might just be the push other people need to complete their tasks.


      Gambar dari RAFAEL SABASTIAN
      oleh RAFAEL SABASTIAN - Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 19:38
      Siapa pun di dunia


      NIM: 1303223045

      KELAS: IT-46-01

      Critical Life skill dibagi menjadi 4:

      1.Problem solving  and decision making

      - Analogy: Adapting the solution to a previous problem which has similar mechanism

      - Brainstorming: Mencari solusi dari berbagai ide 

      - Divide and conquer: memecah masalah besar,rumit menjadi kecil dan mudah diselesaikan

      - Hypotesis testing: berasumsi untuk cara terbaik terhadap masalah 

      - Lateral thinking: menemukan solusi dengan cepat

      - Proof of impossibility: mecoba membuktikan bahwa masalah tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan.Di titik dimana pembuktian tersebut gagal,maka itu dapat menjadi awak untuk menyelesaikan maslaah tersebut

      -Root cause analysis: mengidentifikasi penyebab dari masalah


      - Critical Thinking: kemampuan untuk menganalisa fakta,bukti,observasi,dan argumen untuk membuat keputusan

      - Creative thinking: kemampuan untuk melihat hal dari pandangan yang berbeda dan menemukan jalan/cara lain dalam memecahkan masalah

      Latihan untuk mengasah creative dan critical thinking adalah dengan membiasakan mengalokasikan 20% waktu untuk melakukan yang kita suka atau mencari?menemukan pain point diluar dari pekerjaan 


      - Communication skill: kemampuan memberikan dan mengolah informasi

      - Interpersonal skill: kemampuan untuk menghandle konflik,bekerja sama

      Cara untuk meningkatkan communication and interpersonal skill :

      - Menyapa

      - Mencari seseorang yang terbuka untuk mengobrol

      - Membuat kontak mata dan tersenyum

      - Menghargai personal space mereka

      - Berbicara tentang topik yang umum


      - Self awareness : kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri sendiri dan bagaimana kita bertindak,berbicara,emosi selaras atau tidak dengan standar diri kita sendiri

      - Empathy: Kemampuan untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan orang lain 

      6 cara untuk melatih empathy

      - mengembangkan kemampuan mendengar

      - Menjaga mulut untuk tidak men judge sesuatu

      - Be understanding

      - Showw empatic body language

      - Practice mindfulness

      - Ask open-ended question

      [ Mengubah: Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 19:41 ]


        Siapa pun di dunia

                                                        “Menghadapai Critical Life Skill”


        A.    Problem solving and dicision making

        ·       Analogy : adapting the solution to a previous problem which has similar features or mechanisms

        ·       Brainstorming : (especially among groups of people) suggesting a large number of solutions or  ideas and combining and developing them until an optimum solution is found

        ·       Divide and conquer : breaking down a large complex problem into smaller solvable problems

        ·       Hypothesis testing : assuming a possible explanation to the problem and trying to prove (or, in some contexts, disprove) the assumption

        ·       Lateral thinking : approaching solutions indirectly and creatively

        Proof of impossibility : try to prove that the problem cannot be solved. The point  where the proof fails will be the starting point for solving it

        ·       Root cause analysis : identifying the cause of a problem

        Lateral Thinking

        What  & when :

        1.     Tidak ada best practice, belum bisa solusinya atau terlalu complex

        2.     Tidak melulu linear thinking, kita bisa memanfaatkan problem

        How :

        1.     Jika kita tidak bisa menghilangkannya, kita gunakan saja

        2.     Hal kreatif apa yang bisa kita lakukan terhadap problem itu

        B.    Creative thinking and critical thinking

        Creative thinking => The ability to analyze available fact, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgement.

        Critical thinking => The ability to look at things differently, and find new ways of solving problems, thinking out of the box.

        C.    Communication and interpersonal skills

        Communications skills => The ability to pass receive and process information. They are the traits that allow you to make requests, ask questions, understand instructions, give direction and relay information with clarity and conciseness.

        Interpesonal skills => The ability to handle conflict, teamwork, empathy, listening, and a positive attitude. Being flexible and positive, able to listen, and communicating well include verbal and nonverbal communication.

         EXAMPLE :

        ·       Friendliness and empathy

        ·       Public speaking

        ·       Reflection

        ·       Written communication

        ·       Confidence

        ·       Clarity

        ·       Responsiveness

        ·       Etc.

        D.    Self-awareness and empathy

        Self awareness => The ability to focus on yourself and how your actions thoughts or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards.

        If you are highly self aware you can objectively evaluate yourself manage your emotions align your behavior with your values and understand correctly how others perceive you.

        Empathy => The ability to understand how others are feeling and it absolutely critical to emotional intelligence.

        Become more aware of the feelings and emotions to other people and in false responses to people based on this information.

        Six ways to practice empathy in the classroom :

        ·       Listen actively

        ·       Withold judgement

        ·       Be understanding

        ·       Show emphatic body language

        ·       Practice mindfulness

        ·       Ask open-ended questions


          Gambar dari MUHAMMAD FARHAN EDITYA
          oleh MUHAMMAD FARHAN EDITYA - Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 15:13
          Siapa pun di dunia

          Muhammad Farhan Editya



          “Menghadapai Critical Life Skill”


          1.Jobs Lancdscape in 2022

          Terdapat 133 juta lowongan pekerjaan yang kebanyakan diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

          a.Top 10 Emerging

          ·       Data Analayst and Scientist

          ·       AI and Machine Learning Specialist

          ·       General and Operation Managers

          ·       Software and Application Developers and Analyst

          ·       Sales and Marketing Profesionalis

          ·       Big Data Scientist

          ·       Digital Transformation Specialist

          ·       New Technology Specialist

          ·       Organisational Development Specialist

          ·       Information Technology Services


          b.Top 10 Skills 2020

          ·       Complex Problem Solving

          ·       Critical Thinking

          ·       Creativity

          ·       People Management

          ·       Coordinating with Others

          ·       Emotional Intelligence

          ·       Judgement and Decision Making

          ·       Service Orientation

          ·       Negotiation

          ·       Cognitive Flexibility



          2.Critical Life Skill

          a.Problem Solving and Decision Making

          ·       Analogy

          Adapting the solution to a previous problem which has similar features or mechanisms.

          ·       Brainstorming

          Menyarankan sangat banyak solusi atau ide kemudia mengkombinasikan dan dikembangkan sampai menemukan suatu solusi yang optimal.

          ·       Divide and conquer

          Memaparkan banyak masalah yang kompleks menjadi sangat kecil dan dapat di selesaikan.

          ·       Hypothesis testing

          Mengasumsikan sebuah penjelasan yang mungkin ke dalam sebuah  masalah dan coba untuk membuktikannya.

          ·       Lateral Thinking

          ·       Proof of Impossibility

          Mencoba untuk membuktikan sebuah masalah yang tidak bisa diselesaikan.Alasannya adalah dimana sebuah pembuktian itu gagal itulah yang menjadi poin untuk menyelesaikannya.

          ·       Root Cause analysis

          Mengidentifikasi suatu sebab dari sebuah masalah.


          3.Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking

          ·       Critical Thinking

          The abilty to analyze available facts,evidence,observation,and arguments to form a judgement.

          ·       Creative Thinking

          The ability to look at things differently and find new ways of solving problems.


          4.Communication and Interpersonal skills

          ·       Communication skills

          The ability to pass,receivem,and process information.They are the traits that allow you to make requests.ask question,understand instruction,give direction and relay information with clarity and conciseness.

          ·       Interpesonal skills

          The ability to handle conflict,teamwork,empathy,listening,and a positve attitude,Being flexible and positive,able to listening and communicating well include verbak and nonverbal communication.

          Comunication & Interpersonal Skills Example

          ·       Friendliness and empathy

          ·       Public Speaking

          ·       Reflection

          ·       Written Communication

          ·       Confidence

          ·       Clarity

          ·       Responsiveness

          ·       Actiong listening

          ·       Being open minded

          ·       Trustworthiness

          ·       Etc…


          Challenge to Improve Communicationn & Interpersonal Skills – Talk To Strangers

          ·       Cari orang yang kira-kira terbuka untuk diajak bicara

          ·       Buat kontak mata dan senyuum 😊

          ·       Buat gerakan tubuh yang menarik

          ·       Respect their personal space

          ·       Ucapkan “Halo”

          ·       Sebutkan apa saja yang ada di lingkunganmu

          ·       Bawa topik yang umum

          ·       Ask them open – ended questions

          ·       Bicarakan hal-hal dasar

          ·       Aktif mendengarkan

          ·       Akhiri pembicaraan kira-kira 5-10 menit.



          Memang tak mudah menjadi mahasiswa baru di masa pandemi ini,yang terpenting sekarang adalah kemampuan untuk beradaptasi tak peduli dari mana jurusan dan bidang yang kalian tekuni atau apapun mimpi yang kalian punya perubahan akan datang dengan cepat,apalagi terpengaruh dengan berkembangnya teknologi.

          “Surivival of the Fittest” kata Charles Darwin,yang artinya mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan,kunci survive adalah yang paling adaptif.Menjadi mahasiswa adalah sebuah privillage yang tak semua orang diberkahi kesempatan ini,kalian yang diberkahi kesempatan ini memiliki tanggung jawab yang besar karena kalian adalah “Mahasiswa”,Maha dari siswa.

          Namun kuliah bukan hanya sekedar nilai dan IPK belaka,tapi tentang orang-orang yang kaian temui pengalaman yang di jalani,memori yag kalian buat,skill yang kalian latih,dan pengalamn yang kalian dapatkan.Membaca jurnal dan buku-buku jangan di jadikan beban,melainkan jadikan itu sebagai desakan yang membangun rutiitas membaca,carilah acara-acara baik itu seminar maupun forum-forum positif yang dapat menambah wawasan karena tanpa membaca dan belajar kita akan menjadi orang kelas teri yang mudah terprovokasi .

          Belajar jangan disempitkan semata-mata hanya untuk perkuliahan,kenali sebaik-baik temanmu dan hayatilah masyarakat di sekelilingmu.Carilah banyak teman jangan hanya bergaul dengan teman dari satu SMA atau dari asal yang sama,justru di semester awal lah yang menjadi kesempatan untuk mencari banyak teman.

          Mungkin di tengah perjalanan nanti kamu akan melakukan kebodohan,kamu akan gelisah tentang keputusan-keputusan yang pernah kamu ambil,tapi percayalah mempertanyakan semua hal itu adalah hal yang biasa apalagi bagi seorang MABA yang pada esensinya adalah manusia yang bertanya-tanya.Ingat, 10 tahun mendatang setiap dari kalian akan menduduki posisi-posisi penting di negeri ini,setiap angkatan baru menjanjikan bakal pemimpin baru bagi negeri ini.Tak perlu tergesa-gesa,lahap lah terhadap ilmu,Salam hangat dari Najwa.

          Kesan dan Pesan

          Webinar kali ini sangat menarik untuk diikuti,selain dari pembicaranya yang merupakan alumni langsung dari Tel-u juga terdapat banyak sekali manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan seperti pekerjaan yang dibutuhkan di masa depan,bagaimana cara kita untuk lebih meningkatkan skill dalam bersosialisasi,dan juga tips bagaimana menghadapi dunia perkuliahan sebagai mahasiswa baru.


            Siapa pun di dunia

            Nama : Khansa Resqi Ghassani

            Kelas : IF-46-09

            NIM : 1301223313

            Critical Life Skill

            1.      Problem Solving and Decision Making

            ·        Analogy : mengadaptasi solusi untuk masalah sebelumnya yang memiliki fitur atau mekanisme yang sama.

            ·        Brainstorming : (terutama pada suatu kelompok) menyarankan sejumlah solusi atau ide dan menggabungkan dan mengembangkannya sampai solusi optimal ditemukan.

            ·        Divide and conquer : memecahkan masalah yang besar dan kompleks menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat diselesaikan.

            ·        Hypothesis testing : mengasumsikan penjelasan yang mungkin untuk masalah dan mencoba untuk membuktikan (atau dalam beberapa konteks menyangkal) asumsi.

            ·        Literal thinking : mendekati solusi secara tidak langsung dan secara kreatif.

            -        What and when :

            Tidak ada best practice, belum ada solusinya atau terlalu kompleks

            Tidak melulu linear thinking, kita bisa memanfaatkan problem

            -        How:

            Jika kita tidak bisa menghilangkannya, kita gunakan saja.

            Hal kreatif apa yang bisa kita lakukan terhadap problem itu.

            ·        Proof of impossibility : mencoba untuk membuktikan bahwa masalah tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan.

            ·        Root cause analysis : mengidentifikasi penyebab dari suatu masalah.

            2.      Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

            ·        Critical thinking : kemampuan untuk menganalisa fakta, bukti, observasi, dan argumen yang ada untuk membentuk keputusan.

            ·        Creative thinking : kemampuan untuk melihat sesuatu dengan berbeda, menemukan cara baru untuk menyelesaikan masalah, dan berpikir out of the box.

            3.      Communication and Interpersonal Skills

            ·        Communication skills : kemampuan untuk menyampaikan, menerima, dan memproses suatu informasi.

            ·        Interpersonal Skills : kemampuan untuk menangani suatu konflik, kerja tim, empati, empati, dan sikap positif.

            ·        Communication and Interpersonal Skills examples:

            -        Frienliness and empathy

            -        Public speaking

            -        Confidence

            4.      Self-awareness and Empathy

            ·        Self-awareness : kemampuan untuk fokus kepada diri sendiri dan bagaimana aksi, pikiran, atau emosi dirimu selaras atau tidak dengan standar internal yang dirimu miliki.

            ·        Empathy : kemampuan untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan orang lain, dan hal ini sangat penting untuk kecerdasan emosional.

            [ Mengubah: Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 00:44 ]


              Siapa pun di dunia

              Nama : Najmi Iqbal Hanif

              NIM : 1303223021

              Kelas : Teknologi Informasi 46-03

              Rangkuman Materi Temu Alumni

              Webinar Pendidikan Karakter Minggu 8, 19 November 2022

              Topik : Mengasah Critical Life Skill

              Narasumber : Tamami Efendi


              Secara garis besar, Critical Life Skill terbagi menjadi 4 hal, yaitu

              1. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

              Ada 2 cara untuk meningkatkan Problem-Solving dan Decision-Making, yang pertama dengan melakukan Discover Pain Point yang ada disekitar kita, yang kedua dengan melakukan Brainstrom dengan teknik Crazy 8

              - Analogi: kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dalam permasalahan baru

              - Braintstorming : Mencari solusi dari berbagai perspektif

              - Divide and Conquer : memecahkan masalah besar menjadi masalah masalah kecil

              - Hypothesis Testing : Memberikan asumsi tentang penjabaran suatu masalah dan mencoba membuktikan asumsi tersebut.

              - Lateral Thinking : menemukan solusi dengan cepat dan kreatif dengan menggunakan imaginasi

              - Proof of impossibility : membuktikan bahwa suatu masalah tidak dapat di pecahkan / unsolvable. Ketika pembuktian tersebut gagal, kegagalan tersebut dapat dijadikan awal untuk menemukan solusi. 

              - Root cause analysis : mencari dan mengidentifikasi asal usul dari suatu masalah


              2. Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking


              - Critical Thinking

              Kemampuan untuk menganalisa fakta, bukti, dan argumen dalam bentuk keputusan

              - Creative Thinking

              Kemampuan untuk melihat hal dalam pandangan berbeda, dan menemukan jalan baru dalam memecahkan suatu persoalan


              3. Communication and Interpersonal Skills

              - Communication Skills

              Communication Skills adalah kemampuan memberikan, menerima, dan mengolah informasi

              - Interpersonal Skills

              Interpersonal Skills adalah kemampuan untuk menangani sebuah konflik, bekerja sama, empati, mendengarkan, dan melakukan empati yang baik.

              Salah satu cara meningkatkan Communication and Interpersonal Skills kita adalah dengan sering berbicara dengan orang asing. Adapun langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan :

              -Mencari seseorang yang nampak terbuka untuk berdialog

              -Lakukan kontak mata dan berikan senyuman

              -Gunakan bahasa tubuh yang sesuai

              -Hormati personal space mereka

              -Sapa dengan ramah

              -Sebutkan suatu hal yang ada di sekitar kita

              -Angkat suatu topik yang bersifat umum

              -Aktiflah mendengarkan

              -Akhiri obrolan setelah 5-10 menit

              4. Self Awareness and Empathy

              - Self Awareness

              Self Awareness adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk fokus pada diri sendiri dan bagaimana aksi, pikiran, atau emosi kita selaras atau tidak dengan standar diri. Jika kita memiliki kesadaran diri tinggi, kita bisa mengevaluasi diri secara objektif, mengatur emosi kita, dan melaraskan aksi kita dengan nilai diri dan memahami dengan benar bagaimana orang lain melihat kita.

              - Empathy

              Empathy adalah kemampuan untuk memahami apa yang orang lain rasakan, dan empati sangatlah penting pada kecerdasan emosional kita.

              Kesan : Webinar kali ini sangat keren, banyak pengetahuan baru yang bisa didapat dan berguna untuk kedepannya

              Pesan : -

              [ Mengubah: Sabtu, 26 November 2022, 00:02 ]


                Siapa pun di dunia

                Critical Life Skill

                Nama : JOHAN S NAIBAHO
                Kelas  : IF-46-09
                NIM      : 1301220012
                • The Jobs Landscape in 2022

                             o   Top 10 Emerging Roles

                                      1. Data Analyst and Scientists

                                      2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists

                                      3. General and Operations Managers

                                      4. Software and Applications Developers and Analysts

                                      5. Sales and Marketing Professionals

                                      6. Big Data Specialists

                                      7. Digital Transformation Specialists

                                      8. New Technology Specialists

                                      9. Organisational Development Specialists

                                      10. Information Technology Services

                             o   Top 10 Declining Roles

                                 1. Data Entry Clerks

                                2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks

                                3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries

                                4. Assembly and Factory Workers

                                5. Client Information and Customer Service Workers

                                6. Business Services and Administration Managers

                                7. Accountants and Auditors

                                8. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks

                                9. General and Operations Managers

                                10. Postal Service Clerks

                ·        CRITICAL LIFE SKILL

                o   Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

                1. Analogy: menyesuaikan solusi dengan masalah sebelumnya yang memiliki fitur atau mekanisme serupa
                2. Brainstorming: (terutama di antara kelompok orang) menyarankan sejumlah besar solusi atau ide dan menggabungkan dan mengembangkannya hingga solusi optimal ditemukan
                3. Divide and Conquer: memecah masalah yang besar dan kompleks menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat dipecahkan
                4. Hypothesis Testing: asumsi penjelasan yang mungkin untuk masalah dan mencoba untuk membuktikan (atau, dalam beberapa konteks, menyangkal) asumsi
                5. Lateral Thinking: mendekati solusi secara tidak langsung dan kreatif
                6. Proof of Impossibility: mencoba membuktikan bahwa masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan. Titik di mana pembuktian gagal akan menjadi titik awal untuk menyelesaikannya
                7. Root Cause Analysis: mengidentifikasi penyebab suatu masalah

                o   Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

                1. Critical Thinking: The ability to analyze available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments to form a judgement.
                2. Creative Thinking: The ability to look at things differently, and find new ways of solving problems.

                o   Communication and Interpersonal Skill

                1. Communications skills: Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan, menerima, dan memproses informasi. Mereka adalah sifat-sifat yang memungkinkan Anda membuat permintaan, mengajukan pertanyaan, memahami instruksi, memberikan arahan, dan menyampaikan informasi dengan jelas dan ringkas.
                2. Interpersonal skills: Kemampuan untuk menangani konflik, kerja tim, empati, mendengarkan, dan sikap positif. Bersikap fleksibel dan positif, mampu mendengarkan, dan berkomunikasi dengan baik meliputi komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal.

                o   Self-Awareness and Empathy

                1. Self-awareness: Kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri sendiri dan bagaimana tindakan, pikiran, atau emosi Anda selaras atau tidak selaras dengan standar internal Anda.
                2. Empathy: Kemampuan untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan orang lain, dan itu sangat penting untuk kecerdasan emosional menjadi lebih sadar akan perasaan dan emosi orang lain dan melibatkan tanggapan terhadap orang berdasarkan informasi ini.

                [ Mengubah: Minggu, 27 November 2022, 20:27 ]


                  Siapa pun di dunia

                  • The Jobs Landscape in 2022
                    Top 10 Emerging Roles

                  1. Data Analyst and Scientists
                  2. AI and Machine Learning Specialists
                  3. General and Operations Managers
                  4. Software and Applications Developers and Analysts
                  5. Sales and Marketing Professionals
                  6. Big Data Specialists
                  7. Digital Transformation Specialists
                  8. New Technology Specialists
                  9. Organisational Development Specialists
                  10. Information Technology Services

                  o   Top 10 Declining Roles

                  1. Data Entry Clerks
                  2. Accounting, Bookkeeping and Payroll Clerks
                  3. Administrative and Executive Secretaries
                  4. Assembly and Factory Workers
                  5. Client Information and Customer Service Workers
                  6. Business Services and Administration Managers
                  7. Accountants and Auditors
                  8. Material-Recording and Stock-Keeping Clerks
                  9. General and Operations Managers
                  10. Postal Service Clerks
                  Top 10 Skills

                  o   In 2020

                  1. Complex Problem Solving
                  2. Critical Thinking
                  3. Creativity
                  4. People Management
                  5. Coordinating with Others
                  6. Emotional Intelligence
                  7. Judgment and Decision Making
                  8. Service Orientation
                  9. Negotiation
                  10. Cognitive Flexibility

                  o   In 2015

                  1. Complex Problem Solving
                  2. Coordinating with Others
                  3. People Management
                  4. Critical Thinking
                  5. Negotiation
                  6. Quality Control
                  7. Service Orientation
                  8. Judgment and Decision Making
                  9. Active Listening
                  10. Creativity

                  • Critical Life Skill

                  o   Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

                  1. Analogy: menyesuaikan solusi dengan masalah sebelumnya yang memiliki fitur atau mekanisme serupa
                  2. Brainstorming: (terutama di antara kelompok orang) menyarankan sejumlah besar solusi atau ide dan menggabungkan dan mengembangkannya hingga solusi optimal ditemukan
                  3. Divide and Conquer: memecah masalah yang besar dan kompleks menjadi masalah yang lebih kecil dan dapat dipecahkan
                  4. Hypothesis Testing: asumsi penjelasan yang mungkin untuk masalah dan mencoba untuk membuktikan (atau, dalam beberapa konteks, menyangkal) asumsi
                  5. Lateral Thinking: mendekati solusi secara tidak langsung dan kreatif
                  6. Proof of Impossibility: mencoba membuktikan bahwa masalah tidak dapat diselesaikan. Titik di mana pembuktian gagal akan menjadi titik awal untuk menyelesaikannya
                  7. Root Cause Analysis: mengidentifikasi penyebab suatu masalah

                  o   Creative Thinking and Critical Thinking

                  §  Critical Thinking
                  Kemampuan untuk menganalisis fakta, bukti, pengamatan, dan argumen yang tersedia untuk membentuk penilaian.
                  §  Creative Thinking
                  Kemampuan untuk melihat berbagai hal secara berbeda, dan menemukan cara baru untuk memecahkan masalah.

                  o   Communication and Interpersonal Skill

                  §  Communications skills

                  Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan, menerima, dan memproses informasi. Mereka adalah sifat-sifat yang memungkinkan Anda membuat permintaan, mengajukan pertanyaan, memahami instruksi, memberikan arahan, dan menyampaikan informasi dengan jelas dan ringkas.

                  §  Interpersonal skills

                  Kemampuan untuk menangani konflik, kerja tim, empati, mendengarkan, dan sikap positif. Bersikap fleksibel dan positif, mampu mendengarkan, dan berkomunikasi dengan baik meliputi komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal.

                  o   Self-Awareness and Empathy

                  §  Self-awareness

                  Kemampuan untuk fokus pada diri sendiri dan bagaimana tindakan, pikiran, atau emosi Anda selaras atau tidak selaras dengan standar internal Anda.

                  §  Empathy

                  Kemampuan untuk memahami bagaimana perasaan orang lain, dan itu sangat penting untuk kecerdasan emosional menjadi lebih sadar akan perasaan dan emosi orang lain dan melibatkan tanggapan terhadap orang berdasarkan informasi ini.


                    Gambar dari DEBORAH FRANSISKA
                    oleh DEBORAH FRANSISKA - Kamis, 24 November 2022, 23:39
                    Siapa pun di dunia

                    The Jobs Landscape In 2022

                    Top 10 Emerging:

                    1.      Data Analysts and Scientists

                    2.      AI and Machine Learning Specialists

                    3.      General and Operations Managers

                    4.      Software and Marketing Professionals

                    5.      Sales and Marketing Professionals

                    6.      Big Data Specialists

                    7.      Digital Transformation Specialists

                    8.      New Technology Specialists

                    9.      Organisational Development Specialists

                    10.   Information Technology Services

                    Top 10 Declining:

                    1.      Data Entry Clerks

                    2.      Accounting, Book keeping and Payroll clerks

                    3.      Administrative and executive secretaries

                    4.      Assembly and factory workers

                    5.      Client information and customer service workers

                    6.      Business services and administration managers

                    7.      Accountants and auditors

                    8.      Material-recording and Stock-keeping clerks

                    9.      General and operations manager

                    10.   Postal service clerks

                    Problem solving and decision making

                    Analogy: adapting the solution to a previous problem which has similar features or mechanism

                    Root cause analysis: identifying the cause of a problem

                    Lateral thinking: approaching solutions indirectly and creatively

                    Lateral thinking

                    What and when:

                    -        Tidak ada best practice, belum ada solusinya atau terlalu complex

                    -        Tidak melulu linear thinking, kita bisa memanfaatkan problem


                    -        Jika tidak bisa menghilangkannya kita gunakan saja

                    -        Hal kreatif aoa yang bisa kita lakukan terhadap problem itu

                     Six way to practice empathy in the classroom

                    1.      Listen actively

                    2.      Withold judgement

                    3.      Be understanding

                    4.      Show empathic body language

                    5.      Practice mindfulness

                    6.      Ask open-ended questions
