oleh MUHAMMAD CESSA ZULKARNAIN - Minggu, 27 November 2022, 19:30
Siapa pun di dunia

In order to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that everyone can live in peace and prosperity by 2030, the United Nations established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2015. The 17 SDGs include :

1. No poverty.

2. Zero hunger.

3. Good health and well-being.

4. Quality education.

5. Gender equality.

6. Clean water and sanitation.

7. Affordable and clean energy.

8. Decent work and economic growth.

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

10. Reduced inequality.

11. Sustainable cities and communities.

12. Responsible consumption and production.

13. Climate action.

14. Life below water.

15. Life on land.

16. Peace, justice, and strong Institutions.

17. Partnerships for the goals.

One of Indonesia's top educational institutions is Telkom University. I'll compare the implementation of SGD on campus to my three months at Telkom University in this article.

The majority of the new students on our campus are from all throughout Indonesia. Other nations than Indonesia have students as well. Despite the students' varied backgrounds, I think there is a lot of tolerance on campus. Many of the students, in spite of their different respect for one another Regional Student Activity Units (UKM) are also numerous and comprise student associations from all throughout Indonesia. According to such logic, there is hardly any disparity. 

In addition, I have observed that Telkom University employs both male and female teachers to instruct pupils. This indicates that the implementation of gender equality in this school. Additionally, Telkom University offers numerous scholarships and high-quality academic programs to its on-campus students.

On the Telkom University campus area is dotted with numerous lecture halls. Additionally, Telkom University offers a variety of facilities for students, including parks, libraries, and research facilities. Unfortunately, a number of these institutions lack quality.

maintained. One of these amenities is the street in front of Telkom University's entry gates. I believe that as a motorized vehicle user, the road is uneven and has potholes, which put road users, including pedestrians and motorized vehicle users, at risk.

I think Telkom University is doing an excellent job with their environmental initiatives. The friendly campus atmosphere encourages student study. I believe the water supplies on this campus are generally clean. Nevertheless, I see a number of problems. The first one for me is the there aren't many trash cans on campus. Hopefully the university will place more trash cans around campus, especially close to the parks cause in there is many scattered trash on there.

For the residents at Telkom University, transportation is a crucial part of daily life. Both bicycles and motorized vehicles have plenty of parking spaces on campus. Additionally, there is a shuttle bus available for use by students to get to other, sometimes distant lecture buildings. But since there aren't always enough buses, some students could choose to walk between buildings.

There are a lot of pedestrians, but there are also a lot of roads that I think are less comfortable for them to walk on. and i think for this case Telkom University can repair the bicycle on the parking area. So, Telkom Citizen can use it or maybe Telkom University can add something like scooter to rent so it'll more easier to pendestrian manuever from one building to other building.

Then from those all paragraphs above I'm implying that Telkom University is working hard to promote green energy, climate action, and sustainable towns and cities in the aforementioned paragraphs. I wish the university would pursue more environmental projects, and I wish the neighborhood would pitch in. trough independent action.